Friday 1 April 2016

Yesterday, Today

It has been many years it has been since I wrote, if not at all, about my thoughts on life and whatnots. As most of you now know, our dearest friend Mak Pooi Guan is sadly no more. Kicked the bucket; bit the dust; cross the great divide; Mr. Chan Foi Onn would agree that no idiom can mask the grief of this tremendous loss.

Personally, I'm not a spiritual person. One exists as a collection of atoms, perhaps not different from perhaps the chair you are sitting on or the screen you are reading this on. Or, from a pseudo-scientific, philosophical point of view, are we a virtual creations of chemical and electrical impulses in a highly complex biological crucible that is the human mind? I believe that both are true in a realistic standpoint, however insensitive and austere it may seem; but it isn't all that simple.

Gradually this leads us to ponder upon our existence, as many do. Undeniably ours is a not as lasting as a large pine tree or as resilient as the minutest shrub along the motorway; so are we as insignificant as the universe suggests? Again, this may not be the case. No, it has nothing to do with DNA if that's what you're thinking of.

We define ourselves as a complex set of algorithms I guess we call a personality; input 'what do you want to eat?' for example and the output would be your favourite meal. Evidently not everything is an absolute answer. Many a time an unknown is introduced to our algorithm and even we could not predict our response to it. Interestingly, sometimes we hear things like 'I know you'll like this,' or 'I knew that isn't what you want,' especially from those closest to us. Seems that the phrase 'mother knows best' is true, and proves that one can know another better than themselves. So, does this mean parts of us exist in those around us in the form of memory?

Yes, very much so, even if our algorithm is constantly permutes. Our existence is not limited to the physical manifestation of atoms, or the chemical and biological processes within us; extended to the memories those around us our personality no matter how much or little that may be. Unto relating it to the unfortunate events of late, I urge everyone to remember our dear friend as best as we can; she will be sorely missed.

Tuesday 26 January 2010

Small Announcement

There will be a small class gathering soon.

Date: 6 February (Saturday)

Time: Started gathering outside MacDonald at 2 pm

Venue: Old Town MacDonald fast food restaurant

Saturday 27 June 2009

Tuesday 23 June 2009

New Divide

Official Music Video!
Filmed on the set of Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen

Thursday 26 March 2009

Some Suggestions of Gathering After Majlis Anugerah Cemerlang (English Version)

First of all, please don't mind my broken English. I don't know why most of our classmates hope to have a gathering, maybe we have never seen each other for a long time? Therefore, I wish to give some suggestions. Nowadays, most of us are further studying, so the chances we can meet each other will become lesser and lesser. What I think is, the time after Majlis Anugerah Cemerlang is a good chance to have a gathering. So, I hope most of us can join this gathering because we cannot always meet each other in the future.

The location of our school is too strategic, because it is located near some supermarkets, for example Mid Valley and Sunway Pyramid, so we have lots of choices. Just a suggestion, if we plan to go Sunway Pyramid, we can have lots of activities at there, for example ice skating, singing in Red Box or play in Sunway Lagoon.

We are no longer children because we have grown up, so I think we can travel further. I have a suggestion, I think we can go to Genting Highlands instead of Sunway Lagoon. If we have more time, we can go to our further place just like our class trip last year.

If most of us think that money is a problem, just treat that using money to buy happy. Because of most of us are further studying, this shows that our future will be very bright. Therefore, we don't need to mind about money problem, because we can earn the amount of money in the future, maybe 10 times, 100 times or even 1000 times! Who knows? In addition, the chances we can have a gathering will be lesser in the future, so I hope most of us will be able to join this gathering.

In conclusion, I know most people in this class hate. Anyway, I hope that you don't write anything that can hurt me in the Chat Box by saying a word politely "Please". I post this in nearby cyber cafe by paying RM2 because I don't have a computer at home. Now I want to tell the groups of people that don't want me to join this gathering or hate me a good news. I am not joining this meeting, because I did lots of serious and stupid things last time, until unforgivable, so I know that lots of you will not forgive what I had done. Therefore, I will join other meeting with my chess club friends and will not affect you all. I wish you all good luck and play happily on that day.

Anyway, I was a 5S4 2008 student, so I just do what I should do. Other than that, I only can give some suggestions and help you to make an easy gathering (go to nearby places only, and the most important is I am not joining), if you wish to go to further places, I am really sorry because I don't have the ability to make it. Thank you for reading my stupid post patiently.

Tuesday 24 March 2009

Some Suggestions Of Gathering After Majlis Anugerah Cemerlang (Chinese Version)

不知道大家是否没有见面了,所以大家好像都很想有个聚会。如果是这样,我就给大家一点点意见。如今很多同班同学都升学去了,所以大家以后可见面的机会可能越来越少,就趁在 Majlis Anugerah Cemerlang 后,难得大家还有机会见面,希望大家能抽空参与这个聚会。

我们的学校的位子太美了,因为在坐落在很多超级市场的附近,例如 Mid Valley, Sunway Pyramid 等等,所以大家有很多选择。就如去 Sunway Pyramid,那里可以玩个尽快,例如溜冰 (ice skating),去 red box 唱一唱歌或去 Sunway Lagoon 玩。

我们都已经长大了,再也不算是个小孩,所以去较远的地方应该没问题吧!就举个例子,大家可去云顶高原(Genting Highlands)。那里也是应有尽有的。如果大家都有空的话,也可像去年的 class trip 一样,去更远的地方,或到郊外去放松压力。


总而言之,讨厌我的人呢我就在此求一求你们不要在 chat box 里说我的坏话,因为我家没有电脑,所以这个 post 是我在网吧 (cyber cafe) 给二令吉写的。我在此告诉不想我参与聚会的人好消息,就是我不会参与大家,因为我之前与大家的误会太深,直到无药可救,所以我认为很多人都不会原谅我的过失。因此,我会参与自己在本校象棋学会的朋友的聚会,决不会影响你们的。祝你们当天好运吧,玩开心一点!

虽然很多人都对我有偏见,但毕竟我还是 5S4 2008 的学生,所以该做的我都做了,现在希望有人可以帮我把这个 post 翻译去英文。还有,我只能给意见和帮忙大家搞一个简单的聚会(去较近的地方而已,还有我没参与),若要去比较远的地方我没能力搞这样的聚会,抱歉。谢谢大家肯读我这个又笨又蠢的人的 post 。

Friday 6 February 2009

Monday 26 January 2009

Class Photos


The moment everyone has been waiting for...

The photos are all accessible here

It took me quite a long time to upload all of the photos, hope you guys like it.
And also, please inform the others about this.

Edit: Many people are asking me why there are only "29 pictures". Those "29 pictures" are album covers... CLICK on it to see more! xD


Sunday 14 December 2008

CHS Alumni

In case any of you do not know what an Alumni is, it is the former male and female students of a school, college or university.

Yes, I believe that all of us here qualify to join as we've completed our studies in Catholic High School. The first question comes to mind is why should I join?

The reason is to continue our high school experience together with our beloved high schoolmates in the future. They even suggested that there will be a special annual dinner organised separately for the younger alumni members, IF there is enough members.

So what's holding you back? Please proceed to and register now!

The membership fee is RM20 for a lifetime and it will be collected separately in the future. (Not during the online registration)

More updates to follow.

Saturday 13 December 2008

Do you remember?

The last day of SPM, the last day we were in our school uniforms.

Do you remember the euphoria? Do you remember the moment you walked out of school in your school uniforms for the last time? What was on your mind when you handed in your last paper? Were you eager to leave the school? Or did you look back and saviour the last few moments?

After SPM celebration

I woke up this morning realising that my high school life was over and will never come back again. I don't know why the feeling just came to me this morning, maybe I was in a state of denial all this while.

This is the only informal picture of the almost full class. I guess this is and was the the last photo of us together.

Whooops? Don't worry! I would be THREE (Supposed to be 'there') for you.

One final photo for today, I don't really have much pictures. I was really lazy and just wasn't in the mood to take more pictures when I was in class with you guys. Maybe it is true that we do not know how to appreciate things until it is really gone.

Is high school life really over? It just feels like school will start again after the holidays.
However, no matter how real it feels, it will never come back again.



Thursday 11 December 2008




这班虽然有时是吵了一点,但肯定比鸦雀无声好得多,因为这样才显示大家之间的感情良好。我们班也很multi-cultural,意思就是什么都会。例如,我很会下棋、Kong Weng 他们很会唱歌、Chee Keong 他们很会读书、Yin Bin 他们很会运动、Peter 他们很会辩论 (debate),还有很多呢!



我希望这部落格是一个和平世界,而并不是战场,尤其是chat box。一点小事就吵架不会显得很无聊吗?在战争里,有一方认输并退出,但另一方却还想继续的话,那战争还是一样不会停止,反而会显示出赢家的残酷。没办法啦!我们人就是有这种缺点,若见到别人生气的话就会觉得爽快认为自己赢了,再加上嘴硬(其实心很软),就因为这样往往会发生很多不愉快的事情


Wednesday 10 December 2008

Class Contact List v2 Download

Download our class contact list here.

Edit: Sorry for the dead link. I've updated the download link so it's available now. Any changes in contact details, please let me know.


Thursday 4 December 2008



An invaluable experience


I am not sure who you guys see me as over the course of two years. Maybe I am known to some as some funny guy who always tries to crack a joke at every given opportunity, or maybe some may see me as a person who talks allot (In a positive or negative manner).

Just like many other fellow S4-ians, I disliked being in S4 during the first few weeks of our Form 4 years. I didn't really like the fact that there were so many people who I didn't really know. Fortunately, things changed and I started to enjoy every single moment of my final two years in high school.

Thinking back, does any one of you remember the old Mr. Chan? He used to be the hitler-style and totalitarian-dictatorship style teacher who demanded perfection and conformity. Remember those weird and troublesome "name-cards" we have to put on the table? We all hated that, but it all changed. Besides that, I am the one and only proud member of the "Shit-PPL" list. Haha! xD

The other thing that was quite significant in our class (at least for those around me) is the "ISA" movement. I cannot remember exactly how did this "ISA" trend start but I know for sure that our "elite" classmate Jonathan Wong is the proud founder of the "ISA" legend. For those of you who do not know why we really respect him, you must know that escapes almost every single wrongdoing and almost never repents.

(For the boys)
Furthermore, who can forget the PJPK training under Mr. Michael? I bet each and everyone of the boys reading this would be glad that it is finally over. Some of you may feel resentful as the some of the other classes can do as they wish during PJPK lessons. But why not look at it this way: Even if we went through the 'free PJPK lessons' over two years, it would all have come to an end like this. Isn't going for Mr. Michael's training better off? At least, we can proudly announce that we actually survived his training for two years and gone through it even though I believe most of us didn't really like it.

Maybe I've not been socialising in class enough, or maybe I just didn't bother to know each one of you better. It doesn't really matter who or what you think you are, I always have a firm belief that everyone was born different from the others. Some of us may be very much different from the majority, but it is always fair and good to understand from their point of view why they behave in such a way.

There isn't any main 'focus' in this post, I am just writing this as thoughts passes by. Maybe there will be more thoughts to come in future posts.

Before I end my post, I would like to apologise for all the things I've said or done that have effected any of you emotionally or physically. Sorry for all the grammatical errors also.



It's goodbye for now...

I'll miss each and everyone of you. Eventhough I'm just someone sitting infront, not knowing whataver you guys are doing behind me, I'll still miss the noise of 5S4. The laughter from every corner of the class, will always be kept locked in my heart.

Gosh...I still remember the first day in form 4, I seriously didn't like this class. Everyone was a stranger to me. I came from 3B5, tagging along a few guys not even a girl. Duno who to sit with and duno who to mix with. It was lonely. Since form 1 till now, I always ended up in a class with friends that aren't close to me. Maybe God is saying GO MIX AROUND WITH OTHERS!

I seriously didn't enjoy being in this class at the beginning. Felt like I'm a stranger. Sometimes I felt that its better to leave the class to do my duties than to be in class. But I was wrong. Thank God I manage fit myself in some group (dun think i need to mention) and had my life going. Felt like I have a family again. They took care of me and I took care of them (at least I think did) XD.

Well, we should keep in touch always. Our class is amazing and you won't find any class like ours. S4 rox!! ^^ Although we'll all be seperated, but I believe, someday we'll meet again. It's goodbye for now. Love ya S4, always.


Sunday 30 November 2008

3rd December

We will be returning our SPBT books then.

That would probably be the last time we all be gathered together like this again.
Any suggestions on what to do?

Please leave your comments.


Edit: And for those of you who are not a member of this blog yet, please register as soon as possible.

Contact me on MSN if you need any help.

Thursday 27 November 2008

SPBT Books and Certificates!!!

Hello guys, i have a very important announcement and reminder for everyone. Please do take note. According to teacher, Form 5 students shall return all their SPBT books in December. Here's the details i got from teacher.

Date : 3rd December 2008 (Wednesday)
Time : 8:30a.m. - 11:30a.m.
Venue : 5S4 classroom
No. of books : 18 per student

You guys are reminded to bring all the books on time as there will no other date to return the books. In addition, please come as early as possible (after 8:30a.m. but don't too late) as i wish to go home earlier too. LOL!! If you lack of any book, please buy to replace it. You have to return all of your books in order to get your certificates (testimonial if i'm not mistaken). I'll message the very first student in our class and they will pass down the message until the last student. If you have any questions, contact me please. Thank you.

Kien Hoong.

Saturday 1 November 2008

毕业典礼那天 (31-8-2008)

光阴似箭,在 5S4 里的两年就这样过去了。我们在公中的五年 (大多数的人) 也就在一眨眼间过去了。大家有何感想呢?开心还是伤心?可说是有彼此感觉,开心是因为离成功的路越来越近,而伤心的是离别的心情和我们不可能再可以感受到毕业典礼的气氛 (除非有念 Form 6,但大多数的人都会去读 college)。

在这天,很多人都会带 camera 去学校拍照 (肯定啦!不然没机会了!难道在 SPM 拍吗?不好意思,要读书!),我们班当然也一样。我们也变得特别活跃,尤其是与朋友们讲话和拍照。今天也是我们在公中的五年里最特别的一天。我认为印象最深刻的是在礼堂里唱歌 (尤其是“Auld Lang Syne”和 “友谊万岁” ) 的时刻。

在礼堂里,大家都非常活跃,不像平时在 tapak perhimpunan ,懒洋洋的。在唱歌时,大家都非常有活力,尽量大声唱,但平时在周会唱国歌、州歌和校歌时好像不是这样的是吗?我猜测错了一点,为什么毕业典礼圆满结束后 (不是前) 没有人哭呢?记得小学时好像有很多人哭得很难看。这证明大家已经长大了,不再是六年级的小学生。

我曾经与 5S4 有很多恩恩怨怨,但这始终也过去了。最记得是以前我曾经 post 过 “我爱 5s4”,但大家却当我在说“公鸡话”。当时我觉得很失望,因为我的认真被别人当笑柄。如今,我已不介意以前不愉快的事,因为继续想下去只会折磨自己。记得什么是宽容吗?原谅别人的过失,同时也在放过自己

希望建宏 (Kien Hoong)不要介意这个部分。我与你的性格可说是水火不相容,但我不想与你发生争执,因为这样对双方都不好。可能你很介意我每次与 Yi En 讲话、坐你位子等等,你骂过我很多次,但我不曾顶嘴,除了有一次我心情不好不小心发泄出来,但我最后还是向你道歉。无论如何,我都当全班人是好友也包括你,只是看你是否愿意这样做。如果无意中伤了你的心,那我就向你道歉。

最兴奋的时刻是在 Mid Valley 唱歌的时候。我也不知为什么,平时最不敢在当众面前唱歌的我竟然如此勇敢呢!虽然价钱是有点贵,但我们每个人都感到很开心,所以很值得,因为钱不能买快乐、钱不是万能的。虽然我的歌声是有点难听,但我还是唱得很爽快。我还以为大家会把麦克风传来传去不敢唱,但竟然没想到大家都那么勇敢,甚至争先恐后呢,哈哈!

我会在 SPM 后 update 这个 post。希望大家把你们所拍的照片 e-mail 给我,如果要我帮忙 upload 的话就通知我一声吧!我的 e-mail address 是。最后,我想与大家开个玩笑,希望大家不要介意哦!我不会祝你们 SPM 好运,因为我相信大家都很有实力,肯定可以获取好成绩,不需要运气,哈哈哈!Gambatek and Good Luck for SPM!

Friday 31 October 2008


5years has gone quickly
In short i would like to express out my thoughts concerning this class

My first impression about this class
"for goodness sake,why did i enter this class."
I begin my form 4 life in this class
Which has a very very weird atmosphere(in the beginning)
I find everyone egoistic,not friendly,etc..(no offense)
I had even planned to switch to Pclass
Yet during the struggling period i get to know a few friends
Here the credit goes to Pooi Guan
My counselor at the time
Yes and form4 has peacefully come to an end

While in this year
I finally got to know more friends
In particular 7guys who sits behind the class
During the early year
i observe s4 is divided in to various groups
Got study group,leng lui group,English debate group,nerd group,geeks.etc.
We are not united,not a big family.
Therefore in everything which i do
I did it in my way,speak in my opinion,because s4 is just not a class
Thank God that the situation has not either remain the same and gone worse
Slowly our bonding is tighter and i see that s4 is starting to do things in a team
But then of course that there are times where conflict begin.
Perang dingin.Perang

In conclusion
5s4 are the rockest.(rocker than rock)

I had a conversation with Peter while we were on our ways back
"Why do good things starts to happen when we begin to graduate?"
Why arh?
But better than nothing larh


It may sounds geli but i still want to tell all that

I Love s4

bloggers are encouraged to post their opinion about this class
chsian care hounor SHARE

Thursday 23 October 2008

A1 in SPM Chinese

Read up!

Credits to Yuan Ning for the image.

Tuesday 14 October 2008

Class Sweatshirt

hello guys, its me again. i'm here to inform everyone that juliana and i have sent everything to the supplier last week. after a round of discussion, juliana and i have agreed that we will collect RM40.00 from everyone. besides, we will order one more sweatshirt for pn. loo as well. the sweatshirt is made of cotton. if you still have any questions regarding the sweatshirt, please feel free to give me a call or through sms. below is the information:

Amount : RM 40.00
For : class sweatshirt
will be collected from : 20/10/2008
until : 23/10/2008
to : class treasurer - wong chee keong

p/s: please do inform your friends as well. if you have problems with the price or whatsoever, please confront me.

Wednesday 1 October 2008

Farhan's Hari Raya Open House

Back from Farhan's Open House, I guess the pictures did most of the talking for me.

What's left is Lup Yeng's solo shuffle dance video. xD

Selamat Hari Raya and thank you for inviting us Farhan!

Wednesday 10 September 2008

Trial exam timetable

In case any of you misplaced it.

Saturday 6 September 2008

New record set!

Thank you for making this possible.

Happy studying and,

Get well soon! xD

Tuesday 2 September 2008

Puan Wong 回来探望我们 (2-9-2008)!

我深信 5S4 全班同学都还记得谁是 Puan Wong,我们去年的级任老师。我们全班都与她有深厚的师生之情,难得她今天回来探望我们,在 Peter Heng 的带领下,很多人都过度兴奋,到办公室 (staff room) 去迎接她进来我们今年的 5S4。

记得很多人去年都说自己不喜欢被她教,因为她给很多功课。其实,她这样确实是为我们大家的好。不然的话,我们班 Maths. 和 Add. Maths. 成绩也很难与其他班竞争。若往好的方面想,如果 Puan Wong 是那种对我们毫不关心的老师,那她会一直逼我们做功课吗?虽然她给我们很多功课,但是她得改更多呢!

不须问我为什么我明白老师们的感受,因为我也是一位补习老师,教小学生们,包括自己的弟弟,没收补习费,只给自己教书经验。那班小学生比我们班还吵呢,又完全不交功课,有些交白卷呢!就算我使用藤鞭,他们也不当成一回事!改功课是我认为很烦的一种活动,因为来来去去都是打钩 (mark as correct) 、打叉 (mark as wrong) 或放问号。

其实,做老师不是大家所想象的那么简单。我非常看得起 Puan Wong,因为她的原则是“天下没有教不会的学生,只有不会教的老师”,学生不好往往都责备是老师的错。我们今年 Maths 和 Add. Maths. 的成绩也算蛮好的,所以应该感谢 Puan Wong。

我个人认为,其实我们都不会讨厌 Puan Wong,只是嘴硬而已,但也无法避免,因为这都是人的个性(嘴硬)。如果讨厌她的话,我们也不会带她来我们班,更加不会谈得那么兴奋。总而言之,我们应该尊敬老师,因为老师不易当!

Friday 29 August 2008

Updated my blog

i'll be posting irregularly. keep an eye.

Sunday 17 August 2008






Wednesday 13 August 2008

Merdeka Celebration

Here are the pictures for the Merdeka Celebration on Monday

We got 3rd Place! Congratulations!

At the same time...
There was some Quiz going on too.

Not sure what place did they get. Will update later.

Friday 8 August 2008

NEVER Lost In Contention!!!

It seems that Malaysia, our "beloved" country has lost it's contention. It is like a plank buoying in the middle of sea without clear directions. With lots of ridiculous things happening in our country, we 5S4 "citizens" in fact cannot failed together with our country leaders now!!! We may not be good at studies, or we may not be good at something but at least we tried our best before we say KO. I believe that everyone in this class may contribute something to the society in near future,YES I believe we can. Nomatter what and how much we have done for the society, never seek a reward as an obliged item from this hopeless government. If Malaysia Government (Pak Lah )doesn't recognise your ability, go to anywhere else that admire on your ability. Asalkan Benih yang baik, jatuh ke dalam laut pun boleh tumbuh akarnya.

Winds may change, summer may come and go, but Malaysian politician remained almost the same as 51 years before. How sad am I, But WHAT can I DO!!!

My advice to all of you LEAVE this country if you have the opportunity.



and FORGET THIS LAND!!!!!!!!

Wednesday 6 August 2008

Champions nonetheless

We stepped onto the field as the underdogs. We took a count, our statistics were wonderful. zero practices, zero victories, zero field experience together. Yet together, under the blazing sun and the dried up grass beneath our feet, we stood. the whistle blew, and the disc took off to the sky.
On a very short notice, me, jonathan, yin bin, kun heng, kong weng and jun hong finally decided to represent our class in the CHS Olympics frisbee competition. Being the underdogs there, we never though once that we would have a chance of being a gold medalist team, yet, with the spirit of 5S4 burning in the core of our hearts, we took up this challenge to win glory for our class.

I will spare everyone the details of our every encounter. However, to let everyone know this, though we failed to step into the finals, I can sincerely say that we actually have the standards of a finalist. In fact, if it wasn't due to a problem that we all failed to curb in time, we would have been the finalist in this competition. This is all due to the fact that we lack understanding of each other, didn't know each other well, and in the end, fielding the wrong person in the wrong position.

Nonetheless, what's done is done, no point whining about it. But I must say, we all had fun. Together, battling it out on the field, trashing people and furiously fighting back when things were going wrong. This all brought us a step closer to each other. We got to know ourselves and each other better. So what if we lost, so what if we could have won. The main thing is, we went in to have fun, and we DID have fun. Therefore, we are all nothing but champions.

It's been a great pleasure playing the matches with you guys. I'm really proud to be part of the team. I would also like to appologize for not performing to my best and for being a lousy captain. Still, we are a winning team together, and not even the winner of the competition can say anything against it. This is our spirit, this is our glory, this is 5S4.

Min Chern - Did the basic handling
Yin Bin - Managed the midfield
Jonathan - Played defense with finesse and ran up for offense on the que "chocolate"
Kun Heng - Star scorer of the day, wonderful defender too. If only he ran up sooner, lol.
Kong Weng - Very humble midfielder, only revealed his true skills later on and scoring with a
hammer shot too!
Jun Hong - Never once gave up on the midfield and offence.

Monday 4 August 2008

All chaos transforms into one peaceful, growing, mature class..

First things first. I don't really think that what is going on now is chaos, it's more like healthy debate n discussion. One that shows that we are growing up and becoming mature people,who speak their minds diplomatically and logically. I chose the word 'chaos' as it seems to rhyme better. That said.

Today, Kien Hoong announced that Lup Yeng was unhappy about the responses regarding his equality between male-female post (pardon me if I'm mistaken). Truth is that there is never an equilibrium point. Guys are better at some things and girls better at others. This is how the world revolves and it will continue to do so... We should respect and honour each other,regardless of gender.

As Lup Yeng himself admitted, when u post something up to public, in this case his controversial post about equality between female-male, u have to prepare n brace for opinion, criticism and disagreement. This is where our crappy moral comes into picture. 'Sikap keterbukaan', 'bersedia memberi dan menerima pandangan,pembaharuan dan kritikan'. You admitted u know it will raise a lot of responses. However, based on what Kien Hoong said about ur unhappiness, I've got to say that you are not prepared to accept criticism.

A public forum or blog is meant for the public. What u said can be read by anybody, thus having a response is normal n expected. People post on blogs so that his/her post will gather comments and he/she will learn of what others think. Accept criticism, be open-minded, don't be offended or unhappy and if u r offended, forget it and move on. Being criticised is part of our life. We have to face it forever as no one is perfect.

On a different note, I have to agree with Ing Ching, Jonathan and Tjia Hwei. I know you guys are smart people and good people. You don't like chinese. You don't like our Malaysian education system or CHS education system that forces SJKC people to take chinese. You think it's a failed system. Heck,you might even dislike our teachers. But please, give them some respect. Don't retort them. Don't contradict them. Don't use their lessons to disappear. Show some remorse (that is true and not a pretentious one, mind you) when they reprimand you. We are old enough to know how we should behave when facing an unfavoured situation.

Lastly, I apologise to anyone who thinks what I wrote is wrong, offensive n crappy. As I've said, this a blog. It's people's opinion. And yes, thanks to all who show their concern regarding my injury and have helped me throughout this period.

Khai Ling

Class T-shirt


1- wind shirt
2- sweatshirt
3- polo tee
4- denim
5- button downs
6- long sleeve
7- short sleeve
8- sleeveless
9- ringer tee

在这九种的款式中,希望同学能给予意见,看看你们喜欢哪一类似。除此,我们可以加一些额外的配件,打个比方说,在 sweatshirt 加拉链 (zip) 或领带 (tie) 等。请大家多给意见,好让小弟好办事。谢谢!!

Friday 1 August 2008

各位同学,抱歉 ......

我鲜少浏览我们班的部落格,所以不知道原来发生了那么多不愉快的事件。在这里, 我,向大家郑重的说声抱歉,真的很对不起。当我发现原来大家真的好关心我们班的活动,而我却什么都没有做到的时候,感到非常非常的内疚。所以我在这里,向大家保证,我会在预考之前会把我们的 Class T-shirt 和 Class Trip 所有的大大小都处理好。我已经和 Juliana 商讨关于我们班的活动和一定把任何的进度向大家报告。更多的详情我们会在来临的星期一报告。我希望大家不要再互相攻击同班同学,毕竟我们比别班来的不够合作,但经历了那么多风风雨雨,希望大家能更加珍惜友谊。也希望大家能给予我们100%的合作,让我们能更强壮。冠军我们亦已经夺下了,我相信我们能肩并肩一起乘风破浪的。不要让别人看低我们,让我们再次创下傲人的成绩吧!!谢谢!!

Monday 28 July 2008


首先得先请visit5s4 部落格的读者们冷静。。
针对cbox及lup yeng所写的post, 我有些话想说

lup yeng

就如lup yeng 也有说



其实lup yeng把这些都视为男女平等的论点

gentleman 永远都该让女生?

对于class trip
但如果真的要办class trip 的话

如果不方便在此透露,也可私下告诉我 (=



Wednesday 23 July 2008

Friday 18 July 2008

Have you ever wondered.....

Blogging is public, everyone can view any of your post, including those personal one. So, have you ever wondered what if our teachers/parents is monitoring our blog posts? Would your feel awkward? Do you mind?

Yes. Sometimes these common questions didn't come across our minds. Some might think how would it be possible for others to know our blog address eventhough we did not give them any. Simple, with just a few clicks from the friends link in the blog page, people can access many of our blogs, maybe even the whole school's blog! All they need is just one web address.

Some posts are personal or restricted, so try to keep it that way. Remember, eyes are watching.

P.s. I'm not trying to scare anybody, just kindly reminding all of you to be careful of what you post in your blog.

Wednesday 16 July 2008

End of the road

We fought hard, we fought valiantly, unfortunately, a dead end once again we have bumped into. After 2 hard grueling days of slogging it out against the 11 teams brought in from all over Selangor, we finally managed to proceed into the semi-finals. Just when we thought our chances of creating and upset victory and sweeping the title were in reach, the results of the draw came out. We, the underdogs were scheduled to battle it out against the national champions, Damansara Jaya. Winner of the HELP debate, WIRA debate and likely winners of the Taylor's debate, they were ready to wrest this KDU title from us. Frightened we were not, for we waited for this challenge with anticipation.

The moment finally arrived. We stepped into our respective places, wary of the tensed atmosphere surrounding the room. They were the government, we were the opposition, born were we to take up this role. Their first speaker led the debate. With precise and fluent language she brought forth her case stand and arguement into the house. And with this, the battle had begun. Speaker after speaker stood up, accusations and allegations were diplomatically hurled about. Endless wit and sarcasm came from our side towards them as we tried to topple their case stand and arguements. Finally, the last speaker had spoken, silence befell the room as we left the adjudicators to do their final decisions. Each of us left the room, feeling that we could have done better, yet still feeling that we had delivered the coup d eta.

Luck wasn't on our side. The judges announced it was a really tight debate. However, the government's stand stood for the day. It was a 3-2 victory for the DJ team with a margin of less then 3 marks. We had failed to stop the national champions from proceeding by just 3 marks. I'll be honest, I'm really disappointed. It was partially my fault for not having really strengthening a certain key point.

Through all the wallowing and disappointment, there still exists a certain sense of self satisfaction. We took on the national champions head to head and almost emerged victorious. We convinced the judges whom we had earlier set out on convincing, and we displayed a stunning performance before bowing out. All in all, this has been a real eye opening event for us. No longer will we feel intimidated by the big name of DJ in the field of debate. Now we know where our standards are and how we have to further improve ourselves to take on the world of debate.

Varsity and International debates, here we come.

PS : Just for everyone's information in case you are curious.

Peter Heng - Opposition leader. Delivered a cunning and effective parameter by bringing the debate to the USA. Once again displayed his enthusiasm in the debate with his flair and witty POI's (Is the chicken an egg?).

Quah Min Chern - Deputy Opposition leader. Delivered his usual speech without much event. Later delievered the reply speech that won the judges hearts(but still not enough to win the debate). Made the government feel like dumb asses. And delivered the coup d eta.

James Yap - Opposition Whip. Displayed his trademark "I will dismantle, destroy and demolish the arguements and case stand of the government" once again with finesse. Wonderfully rebutted the arguements of the government.


Okay,i admit.I suck at microsoft.More precisely,i suck at microsoft excel,especially the part where u hafta draw GRAPH!!!...Fellow S4ians,please share your graph if u have done it.I can guarantee u i'm not the only one who doesn't know how to do those 2 damn graphs....Sharing is caring,keke..=P..just like how sweet Sarah share with us her wonderful finding,like Mr.Tee said,make our life easier....

Lastly,Thanks for all your concerns n carings abt my leg.Counting down,16 more days to go until the cast is finally off and i'll be joining u at physics lab.
Thanks for sharing ur graphs too, if any..

Monday 14 July 2008

5S4 debaters kick ass

Live from KDU college itself. Here sits me, peter, james and our other debaters and juniors in front of the laptop doing our research. Its been a real nerve wrecking moment, but in the end, we kicked ass in the first round with a total pawnage. Best speaker was from one of our speakers too. Now we prepare for the second wave that will be held tomorrow as our second team is locking head on with the national champs. Things are looking kinda good for our second team says peter as he studies their body languages from outside the window. Hopefully we will get a good draw and continue to pawn ass tomorrow. Gtg now, peter still wanna read more body languages.

Saturday 5 July 2008

We Won!

We won the class notice board competition!

Chee Keong receiving the prize

Announcing to the class

Nice flower!

Attacking the food!

They just love the flower don't they?

And not to forget...

Unprecedented... Really.

Thursday 26 June 2008

Nothing is impossible for an ISA

Two Biology Pekas!

Reading a magazine and doing Biology Peka at the same time

He uses one hand to highlight points on the magazine while the other copies!

Monday 23 June 2008


So,u know the wonder of Internet and blog,instead of telling one by one who asked To-Die(Quote from Mr.CFO) aka today,I told them to check out 5s4class08 blog.

So,ok again.It's not surprising enough(Does that mean i'm officially injury-prone??),or important enough to be a surprise(I'm so insignificant..*cry*).But here the story goes...I got injured during the line of duty aka my taekwondo.It's a ligament tear and I'll be on cast and crutches for 6 weeks,but there are chances we(as in doc and me)can remove it earlier,then it'll be brace and still crutches for about 2 more weeks before I can walk on my own with braces...

So,your beloved(*blek*wakakaka)KK will be MIA for approximately 2 months,guys,my fellow classmates,please keep the class clean.We've already nailed the papan notice competition,hopefully we can nail the cleanliness competition too...

Ok,SharonC signing off..See u guys tmr,I hafta squint my eyes to see any missing marks for AddMath..buhbye

Trip to Parliament

They were debating on the issue of the sudden increment of petrol price.
Khairy Jamaluddin (Rembau) was speaking on behalf of BN in reply to Mohammad Azmin Ali (Gombak).

Lots of commotion.
Ibrahim Ali (Pasir Mas) stormed out of the hall, he was unhappy that the speaker chose Khairy over him when both of them requested Permission to speak at the same time.

The BN side was almost empty while the oppostion side was almost full.
Apparently, most of the BN MPs only enter the hall during voting time.

MPs Cycling to Parliament as a protest against fuel hike

Saturday 21 June 2008

Surprise Awaiting On Monday

Ok,guys,my fellow classmates..
I got a SURPRISE for u guys on MONDAY..Some of u might already know,some don't..But you'll see.I jz hope I still have the strength to carry on for 6 weeks,2 months???I'm not sure myself..

Anyhow,good luck for all of your results,and hopefully everybody passes AddMath.Darn,when I did the paper,I thought I know how to do,u know...Then yesterday,BAM..semua salah..Those I simply create one correct pulak..chixin...Aiya,whatever la,jz ranting here..

Surprise for u on Mon,those who already know,please don't go bocor bocor,I wanna surprise..

Friday 13 June 2008


---A blur vision
Euro 2008 has began
As You all know people start to bet on the favourites

i guess we will know this at 30th of June

Who will be the first for this term?
1.Chee Keong
4.Ruo Xuan
--The rank for the previous semester

Who will?
These are the few rates given by a student to me
Chee Keong-1赔2
Sarah Tan-1赔5
Ruo Xuan-1赔15
Shin Yee-1赔30

Leave a msg at the Cbox on your choices

Thursday 12 June 2008

CHS / 5S4 Debating Division

Hey all, let's take a break from the stresses of exam and ease up a bit. Let me now give you all another reason to be proud of 5S4. Not known to many, 5S4 actually contribute to at least 55% of the English debaters in our school. That's practically half of the whole debating team in our school.

Just yesterday, the Taylor's University College began its annual Taylor's Debate competition. Ill prepared and under stress and depression cause of our lovely add maths (1), our team was prepared to lose once again to Sri Permata (they had home ground support again some more). However, The tides were turned and we emerged the obvious victors of the preliminary 1 debate, thus letting our school, or basically our class since our team was all 5S4 people, storm into preliminary 2.

Preliminary 2 will be held in our school on the 3rd of July, and we would really appreciate it if you all could drop by and give us your much welcomed support. We promise we will try to humour you all as much as possible. XD

Sunday 1 June 2008

Jing Wei

I belief there is no use to open criticize other classes
So i take this as ur personal opinion and not referring to the whole class(5s3)

Some class might be good in terms of IQ or EQ
But what makes s4 special is that there is someone which is good at AQ
AQ?Ape tu?
*AQ is Jing Wei favorite book

--IQ bagus punya orang
I BELIEVE should be top 5

--EQ bagus punya orang
Hua Ngik

--AQ bagus punya orang
Jing Wei and Juliana

We were sitting for moral at Friday
Around 9.30(i guess)
I saw a Teenager huge in size
Handing in his exam paper and went on reading EST
Seems that he has full confidence in his paper which i think he owes revise it at home
That Guy is a friend of ours Liu Jing Wei

He has the most unique hairstyle in our school
He is also one who believe in his God truly and faithfully(good point?bad point?)
"God will punish you"--Jing Wei says
Which gives him certain popularity in our class

Famous nick name of his
Mr I aka I 先生

Mr I brings in meaning

1.His Christian name?
errr...sorry..English name?
The Capital letter of his what so ever name before his Sir name

2.I chinese is 我
A well known incident of his
He was the lone ranger which admitted that Pn Wong gave homework to S4

I think since there was the turning point of his image in s4

--Mr I quotes

Everything is there for a purpose
Maybe MAYBE maybe
because of him our class turns out to have more topic and issue
And more lively?

Thursday 29 May 2008

MPYO Concert at KLCC

James, Peter, Juliana, Jonathan, Tjia Hwei (TJ) + Federal Constitution of Malaysia (The Blue book in James' hand)

Record #1 broken: Tjia Hwei went to the toilet for an hour plus
Record #2 broken: Tjia Hwei can wash his hands while talking on the phone.
Record #3 broken: Tjia Hwei has multiple phone identities, some say its about 5.

Then, instead of waiting TJ who disappeared (to toilet and went to hunt for girls), we went to Burger King for our dinner. Wondering where's that fat guy went, James called TJ again. Surprisingly, while receiving the call, TJ could actually wash his hands. Thus conclusion: He's Bullshitting.

Moreover, he got 2, I mean, 5 hand phones. Based on our hypothesis, each of his hand phones are used for his particular prey(girl). But sadly, he's just an ISA wannabe. Jonathan did it perfectly (as seen during the whole afternoon with Juliana), but TJ plagued on an MPYO violinist for don't-know-how-long, try on another girl but failed pathetically... etc. There are numerous number of his lost records.
- From Lee Young's Blog Entry

Wednesday 28 May 2008

read this

well seem like every1 is quite busy wif their study now..
but if got time juz feel free 2 express some feeling here
and if can post out wad u wanted 2 say
but not spamming at the chatbox there =.=
(lup yeng i know u seldom got the chance 2 on9, so u write alot when u got the chance)
anyway guys gambateh in the exam (=

Thursday 22 May 2008
















Wednesday 14 May 2008

Happy Birthday Juliana!

Happy Birthday!

Note: This post has been backdated.

Tuesday 13 May 2008

Tee Elle Jay!

i wanna tok bout somebody else not because i need attention
because 5s4 belong to 46+1 student

my objective is that 5s4
是一家人-one family
*i hope we can talk about more students so we can know each other better. and continue to tok bout ISA .No objections here.
the first one i will talk about is

Thian Li Jian

y him?
If i am not mistaken...IF
i saw comment on the class page about him that he is quiet and hard to understand

y izit so?
because i think no body gave him the attention that we gave to ISA
hard to understand..How hard could it be if we just give him a lil attention n effort to noe about our friend?

Let me derive his name with my own interpretation
1.T L J
(nampak nama in aje saya pun dah suka)
direct translation--sharp sword
strong and healthy
*all these 3points have a lil connection

Not to deny he is quiet
quiet brings meaning
-with lil or no sound or motion
-of gentle or peaceful disposition
-unobtrusive;not showy
-not overt;private;disguised
Just a word quiet is enough to describe our friend

His outlooks
not for me to judge..BUT he is a slightly over weight compare to average


Although he may seem to be shy, sometimes he like to speak cold jokes
HE is quiet but he is not one that live in his own world
HE is good at physic
HE wipe the board(Group B)

Any comment on OUR cute n quiet friend
Is he that hard to understand?^^

Monday 12 May 2008

class trip!!!

err...well...who willy to organize it anyway??plus the problem is...everyone will have their different its even hard to decide a place...

Sunday 11 May 2008


wah exam is cominq !!!!
and i haven been starting my study wah~!!!
i m dead =_=

Saturday 10 May 2008

KLCC Hang-Out-Day

I will let the pictures do the talking.

All of us at KLCC Traders Hotel

Yee Sang!

Random shot at Starbucks.

Digging for G0ld?

Bunch of crazy kids...

I love you...

What are you looking at?

Nice air-con or?

Yuck... Smelly foot.



For those who have more photos, feel free to add in!