Tuesday 16 September 2008

The Pebble in our Shoe

As some of us entered after a much needed break to fill our growling bellies, others were perusing page after page of History notes. The expressions on everyone's faces, priceless. Some buried in their books, oblivious even to the mosquito buzzing around their ear, trying to irritate them; some smiling and laughing, maybe insanity had already taken over them but whatever it was, this was the sight of 5S4 before the History paper on the 16 of Sept.

One of our wisest and smartest classmates said: "We are doing History in Historical times!" (Sorry if I misquoted) He was none other than Low Rong Chang. This quote could have not been more correct as a promise was made that today, change will come in a blizzard, a storm, a typhoon, a hurricane, whatever it would come in.

Soon, we were sitting in our seats, the teacher trying her very best to keep us quiet and in control, although to no avail. We awaited the paper that we dreaded the most; some however, waiting eagerly to show off their skills. Sighs and insane laughter erupted in the classroom. The nervous expressions turned to facial expressions of worry and fear. How would I explain to my parents? How to get the answer? Is there a textbook in the toilet? Think! Think! What is this Piagam Madinah?

It was all quiet and pens started to scratch the paper. Whether it was fact or merely fiction, it did not matter, as long as it filled up the paper. Soon, boys started filing our the door, going to the toilet. Heads started to turn around; to the back, to the front, to the sides.

12.30 came slowly but surely as the school bell rang, indicating the end of the paper. We couldn't wait to share our experience during the paper. Most students could be seen swearing and cursing, some sitting calmly discussing the paper, very few carrying a serene yet small smirk on their face.


Come on people. We still need to work hard to prove to our teachers that if we don't listen in class, we can still get good results. No, not that actually. We need to prove that 5S4 is the best. Continue the good fight even though some of us may have "failed" in this one.

Pope Baldie

Wednesday 10 September 2008

Trial exam timetable

In case any of you misplaced it.

Saturday 6 September 2008

New record set!

Thank you for making this possible.

Happy studying and,

Get well soon! xD

Tuesday 2 September 2008

Puan Wong 回来探望我们 (2-9-2008)!

我深信 5S4 全班同学都还记得谁是 Puan Wong,我们去年的级任老师。我们全班都与她有深厚的师生之情,难得她今天回来探望我们,在 Peter Heng 的带领下,很多人都过度兴奋,到办公室 (staff room) 去迎接她进来我们今年的 5S4。

记得很多人去年都说自己不喜欢被她教,因为她给很多功课。其实,她这样确实是为我们大家的好。不然的话,我们班 Maths. 和 Add. Maths. 成绩也很难与其他班竞争。若往好的方面想,如果 Puan Wong 是那种对我们毫不关心的老师,那她会一直逼我们做功课吗?虽然她给我们很多功课,但是她得改更多呢!

不须问我为什么我明白老师们的感受,因为我也是一位补习老师,教小学生们,包括自己的弟弟,没收补习费,只给自己教书经验。那班小学生比我们班还吵呢,又完全不交功课,有些交白卷呢!就算我使用藤鞭,他们也不当成一回事!改功课是我认为很烦的一种活动,因为来来去去都是打钩 (mark as correct) 、打叉 (mark as wrong) 或放问号。

其实,做老师不是大家所想象的那么简单。我非常看得起 Puan Wong,因为她的原则是“天下没有教不会的学生,只有不会教的老师”,学生不好往往都责备是老师的错。我们今年 Maths 和 Add. Maths. 的成绩也算蛮好的,所以应该感谢 Puan Wong。

我个人认为,其实我们都不会讨厌 Puan Wong,只是嘴硬而已,但也无法避免,因为这都是人的个性(嘴硬)。如果讨厌她的话,我们也不会带她来我们班,更加不会谈得那么兴奋。总而言之,我们应该尊敬老师,因为老师不易当!