Friday, 29 August 2008

Updated my blog

i'll be posting irregularly. keep an eye.

Sunday, 17 August 2008






Wednesday, 13 August 2008

Merdeka Celebration

Here are the pictures for the Merdeka Celebration on Monday

We got 3rd Place! Congratulations!

At the same time...
There was some Quiz going on too.

Not sure what place did they get. Will update later.

Friday, 8 August 2008

NEVER Lost In Contention!!!

It seems that Malaysia, our "beloved" country has lost it's contention. It is like a plank buoying in the middle of sea without clear directions. With lots of ridiculous things happening in our country, we 5S4 "citizens" in fact cannot failed together with our country leaders now!!! We may not be good at studies, or we may not be good at something but at least we tried our best before we say KO. I believe that everyone in this class may contribute something to the society in near future,YES I believe we can. Nomatter what and how much we have done for the society, never seek a reward as an obliged item from this hopeless government. If Malaysia Government (Pak Lah )doesn't recognise your ability, go to anywhere else that admire on your ability. Asalkan Benih yang baik, jatuh ke dalam laut pun boleh tumbuh akarnya.

Winds may change, summer may come and go, but Malaysian politician remained almost the same as 51 years before. How sad am I, But WHAT can I DO!!!

My advice to all of you LEAVE this country if you have the opportunity.



and FORGET THIS LAND!!!!!!!!

Wednesday, 6 August 2008

Champions nonetheless

We stepped onto the field as the underdogs. We took a count, our statistics were wonderful. zero practices, zero victories, zero field experience together. Yet together, under the blazing sun and the dried up grass beneath our feet, we stood. the whistle blew, and the disc took off to the sky.
On a very short notice, me, jonathan, yin bin, kun heng, kong weng and jun hong finally decided to represent our class in the CHS Olympics frisbee competition. Being the underdogs there, we never though once that we would have a chance of being a gold medalist team, yet, with the spirit of 5S4 burning in the core of our hearts, we took up this challenge to win glory for our class.

I will spare everyone the details of our every encounter. However, to let everyone know this, though we failed to step into the finals, I can sincerely say that we actually have the standards of a finalist. In fact, if it wasn't due to a problem that we all failed to curb in time, we would have been the finalist in this competition. This is all due to the fact that we lack understanding of each other, didn't know each other well, and in the end, fielding the wrong person in the wrong position.

Nonetheless, what's done is done, no point whining about it. But I must say, we all had fun. Together, battling it out on the field, trashing people and furiously fighting back when things were going wrong. This all brought us a step closer to each other. We got to know ourselves and each other better. So what if we lost, so what if we could have won. The main thing is, we went in to have fun, and we DID have fun. Therefore, we are all nothing but champions.

It's been a great pleasure playing the matches with you guys. I'm really proud to be part of the team. I would also like to appologize for not performing to my best and for being a lousy captain. Still, we are a winning team together, and not even the winner of the competition can say anything against it. This is our spirit, this is our glory, this is 5S4.

Min Chern - Did the basic handling
Yin Bin - Managed the midfield
Jonathan - Played defense with finesse and ran up for offense on the que "chocolate"
Kun Heng - Star scorer of the day, wonderful defender too. If only he ran up sooner, lol.
Kong Weng - Very humble midfielder, only revealed his true skills later on and scoring with a
hammer shot too!
Jun Hong - Never once gave up on the midfield and offence.

Monday, 4 August 2008

All chaos transforms into one peaceful, growing, mature class..

First things first. I don't really think that what is going on now is chaos, it's more like healthy debate n discussion. One that shows that we are growing up and becoming mature people,who speak their minds diplomatically and logically. I chose the word 'chaos' as it seems to rhyme better. That said.

Today, Kien Hoong announced that Lup Yeng was unhappy about the responses regarding his equality between male-female post (pardon me if I'm mistaken). Truth is that there is never an equilibrium point. Guys are better at some things and girls better at others. This is how the world revolves and it will continue to do so... We should respect and honour each other,regardless of gender.

As Lup Yeng himself admitted, when u post something up to public, in this case his controversial post about equality between female-male, u have to prepare n brace for opinion, criticism and disagreement. This is where our crappy moral comes into picture. 'Sikap keterbukaan', 'bersedia memberi dan menerima pandangan,pembaharuan dan kritikan'. You admitted u know it will raise a lot of responses. However, based on what Kien Hoong said about ur unhappiness, I've got to say that you are not prepared to accept criticism.

A public forum or blog is meant for the public. What u said can be read by anybody, thus having a response is normal n expected. People post on blogs so that his/her post will gather comments and he/she will learn of what others think. Accept criticism, be open-minded, don't be offended or unhappy and if u r offended, forget it and move on. Being criticised is part of our life. We have to face it forever as no one is perfect.

On a different note, I have to agree with Ing Ching, Jonathan and Tjia Hwei. I know you guys are smart people and good people. You don't like chinese. You don't like our Malaysian education system or CHS education system that forces SJKC people to take chinese. You think it's a failed system. Heck,you might even dislike our teachers. But please, give them some respect. Don't retort them. Don't contradict them. Don't use their lessons to disappear. Show some remorse (that is true and not a pretentious one, mind you) when they reprimand you. We are old enough to know how we should behave when facing an unfavoured situation.

Lastly, I apologise to anyone who thinks what I wrote is wrong, offensive n crappy. As I've said, this a blog. It's people's opinion. And yes, thanks to all who show their concern regarding my injury and have helped me throughout this period.

Khai Ling

Class T-shirt


1- wind shirt
2- sweatshirt
3- polo tee
4- denim
5- button downs
6- long sleeve
7- short sleeve
8- sleeveless
9- ringer tee

在这九种的款式中,希望同学能给予意见,看看你们喜欢哪一类似。除此,我们可以加一些额外的配件,打个比方说,在 sweatshirt 加拉链 (zip) 或领带 (tie) 等。请大家多给意见,好让小弟好办事。谢谢!!

Friday, 1 August 2008

各位同学,抱歉 ......

我鲜少浏览我们班的部落格,所以不知道原来发生了那么多不愉快的事件。在这里, 我,向大家郑重的说声抱歉,真的很对不起。当我发现原来大家真的好关心我们班的活动,而我却什么都没有做到的时候,感到非常非常的内疚。所以我在这里,向大家保证,我会在预考之前会把我们的 Class T-shirt 和 Class Trip 所有的大大小都处理好。我已经和 Juliana 商讨关于我们班的活动和一定把任何的进度向大家报告。更多的详情我们会在来临的星期一报告。我希望大家不要再互相攻击同班同学,毕竟我们比别班来的不够合作,但经历了那么多风风雨雨,希望大家能更加珍惜友谊。也希望大家能给予我们100%的合作,让我们能更强壮。冠军我们亦已经夺下了,我相信我们能肩并肩一起乘风破浪的。不要让别人看低我们,让我们再次创下傲人的成绩吧!!谢谢!!